Students' Publications

作者:2018/01/09 03:46

2015 Master's Students

  1. Soós, K. (2015). Social Slices – Moral Crumbs (Ethics, Identities, Perspectives). Létünk, Society- Science- Culture, XLIV. 1. Forum Publishing Company, Novi Sad. 164-186.

  2. Soós, K. (2015). The impartial spectator and the intersubjectivity. Fragments of the Moral philosophy of Adam Smith. In:Annona Nova VI. Alamanac of Károly Kerényi Special College for Advanced Studies, University of Pécs, 11-21.

  3. Mavraj, A. (2016). The LGBT Movement in China: Public Perception, Stigma, and the Human Rights Debate. Inquiries Journal8(12). Retrieved from

  4. 2015 PhD Students

  5. Sudeep Kumar. (2017). China's growing strategic influence in Asia is a threat to India. WION. 2017. Available online:China's growing strategic influence in Asia is a threat to India(accessed on 01/11/2017)

  6. Krapels, N. J.(2017) Rev. of Chinese Economic Statecraft: Commercial Actors, Grand Strategy, and State Controlby W. J. Norris. Pacific Affairs3 (Sept 2017): 553-555. 

Syed Arslan Abbas. (2017). Ready to Step out of Shadows.South Asia Journal – Covering Policy Issues from South Asia. 2016,issue16: accessed on 13 November 2017.

2016 Master's Students

  1. Wiebrecht, F., (2017). Chinese Migration and Economic Relations with Europe, Marco Sanfilippo; Agnieszka Weinar (eds.), Oxford: Routledge, 2016, pp. 202, $160,00. Review. East Asian Integration Studies. 

  2. Wiebrecht, F., (2017). Stein Ringen, The Perfect Dictatorship – China in the 21st Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2016; xiii + 192 pp. with postscript, bibliography, index: 9789888208937, US$70 (hbk). Review. China Information,Vol. 31(2), pp. 262-263. 

  3. Wiebrecht, F., (2017). Die Volksrepublik China auf dem Weg in eine ‘neue Ära’. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. Available from:[Last accessed: 13 November 2017].

2016 PhD Students

  1. Assefa Leake Gebru. (2017) The State of Human Right and Human Security. Journal of Developing Societies, 33, 3 (2017): 376–400

  2. Assefa Leake Gebru. (2017). Ethiopia’s growth and transformation plan and its implications for synergic sum effect contextualized into regional cooperation in the horn of Africa. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations. Vol. 11(6), pp. 162-171, June 2017

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